Yes, indeed, New Jersey! The gem in The Garden State is Cape May, Exit 0 off of the Garden State Parkway. Coming from a snobby New Yorker, this is a major compliment. I think it's better than the New York beaches.
The Big H and I are here for a couple of days with friends, celebrating July 4th.
I have to say, I wish I had discovered this place earlier, but am glad to be here now. It's beautiful, fun, not all Hamptons-hoyty-toyty (though I did love the summers I spent there in shares...definitely not material for this blog). I should probably not even be writing about it, though I am pretty confident that my blog is not yet have the "New York Magazine effect" on anything it mentions (meaning, once something is written up in our City's fair namesake mag, it is no longer accessible or fun). So I take the chance and post here. Anyone reading who lives within a hundred miles should check it out. The Blue Pig, the Ebbitt Room, The Virginia, and the beach. Tomorrow we are getting a real old fashioned July 4th with a band, hot dogs, kids everywhere. I may even get my face painted. Not a Manolo to be seen, and thank goodness for that.
Ahh, that ocean air. Gets to me everytime.
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