Sometimes it's nice to give credit where credit is due. In my house, we drink a lot of wine. We cook with a lot of wine. Therefore, we generally have a lot of wine around. My husband knows more about this subject than I do - we like to divide and conquer our areas of expertise...makes for good balance in a relationship.
The only problem is, wine can be really expensive. So in times like this, we look for bargains. In general, the concept of "Bargain Wine" gives me a hangover just thinking about it. Plonk = Headache.
But not always. Enter, Bota Wines. No, this is not a sponsored post (see beginning - I like to give credit where credit is due). We bought a box of Bota Chardonnary not too long ago and it's not half bad. It's actually, pretty darn nice for an everyday wine for drinking/cooking (btw, I would NEVER cook with a wine that I found undrinkable. You are asking for trouble if you do this). So thought I would share our discovery. At $26 a box, you are bound to be happy and feel pretty smart. Just don't tell.
And if you are reading this and find yourself horrified at the thought of boxed wine, screw you because you are obviously a TOTAL ELITIST snob don't take my word for it, read what Chow has to say. Happy vino!
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