I am not a morning person.
That said, last night I went to sleep excited for today. And today is basically a work day. What a nice thing that is!
But I still struggle in the morning. So here is what eases the "open your eyes and get out of bed" pain:
- Origins Matcha Lotion. Zen and a spa day in a tube.
- Downloading the NYTimes onto my Blackberry. This is one of the benefits of not driving to work. Being able to read the paper.
- Walking Avery to school. She is always super chatty and cute. And has a lot to say about the tree leaves changing colors, about cars racing through the street and "not being nice" about what we gave her for lunch, about maybe getting sushi after school for dinner.
- Of course seeing our newest addition, Mister Aiden, is a treat. Sir Super Smiles.
- Packing Avery's lunch the night before. One less thing to do.
- Picking out my outfit the night before.
- It goes without saying, but coffee is crucial. I prefer mine iced, with cream (not skim - why would I add sour thing milk to my coffee??) and purchased pre-subway ride.
- Playing "Lovely Day" by Bill Withers upon office arrival.
And recently, the morning is all about flowers. I walk through what little remains of the flower district on my way to work. The un-vased flowers are all bound together in heaping bundles of like colors, contained in brown paper. And they are just gorgeous. Take a look at the pic below.
Still not a morning person, but not a grump. How do you start your day? What are a few of your favorite things?
Being awake at 6am...early but ever so quiet.
A hot cup of good Keurig coffee (coconut this am).
Smiley Matty treats.
Squealy huggy morning Jack.
Clifford. Big. Red. Dog.
Posted by: Ryan B. | August 05, 2011 at 08:47 AM