I feel a little like the posting mojo is lacking. So, I have been taking some time away from posting this summer. Not because I don't have things to say, I have several just not sure I want to say them here.
It has not been idle time. A few notes on things I have learned are harder than I thought:
- Saying No to a 2 yr old who wants to watch one more minute of Toy Story;
- Putting a 2 year old to bed. Until I had a child I never understood why parents were so relieved and happy to say "the kids are in bed!" Now I know.
- Getting a 2 yr old dressed when all she wants to wear are her pajamas. Fine. Wear the PJs. If I could wear mine to work, I would, so have at it while you can.
- Knowing where you want to go in your life and doing it. And getting that vision in place at age 22 so at age 38 you don't all of a sudden have a brutal wake up call. Wait...have I really learned this?
- Making a tart with a good crust. Though I will say the one I made the other night was exceptional.
- Operating a business is harder than investing in them.
- Understanding what to tell your friends who are having a hard time with real life issues. Big stuff. Here we are, welcome to adulthood. Big stuff.
In other news, things I have done over the past few years that I like thinking about and that make me happy with life and all of it's craziness:
- Went to Brazil for 48 hours to get the miles I needed to American Airlines super status (totally worth it).
- Went rock climbing in Utah. Loved it.
- Jumped off cliffs in Jamaica. Fine. So everyone who goes to Jamaica does this but I was totally nervous and it was damn fun.
- Trapeze school. Need to do again.
- Ate brains. I like brains. Yes I do. Sauteed in a little butter with lemon and parsley.
- Went on a bike trip through France and Denmark with a group but I knew nobody, so essentially by myself. I know many a person who backpacked through China by themselves and god bless 'em, but that ain't me. I was proud to do this trip basically on my own and guess what I learned? I like traveling with friends better. It's hard to look at an amazing view and not share that with a boyfriend/husband/friend/mom/sister/etc. You know, someone you know.
- Stayed up for more than 48 hours on a few occasions for work back in the '90s. Still cannot believe I did that pretty regularly.
Other things. We were away every - EVERY - weekend in July and it was just great. Vacations are really great because you not only like getting away, you usually like coming back. Win win.
Well, no thesis, people. No start, middle and end and no neat wrap up with a bow. But back on the horse perhaps. If you don't have anything to say to the world, are you living in it?
Culture Note: Have you ever listened to Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello by Johann Sebastian Bach? If not, take a listen over at Amazon. You may recognize the prelude from the American Express commercial with smiles, which I happen to think is one of the most fabulous ads of all time. All of the suites are amazing. Good music to think by, all by yourself.
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