Another year gone by. I always find myself a little melancholy on my birthday. Not really because I am older; rather, because I am so darn sentimental that marking time generally makes me a little happy and sad and amazed and frightened and hopeful and, well, you know.
I had a lot of thoughts today. Jotted them down as the day went on. In no particular order:
- Starting a new year heading to Times Square two days after a seemingly legit bomb scare is not a feeling I will ever get used to. I know we all expect something to happen, but heading into the storm with a child several miles away is unsettling. But we plod on.
- Here Comes the Sun by George Harrison always reminds me of my mother.
- My dad used to call me late in the day on my birthday.
- As much as I like my job, right now I wish I were sitting on a bench on the Highline, watching boats go by on the Hudson, drinking Laurent Perrier Rose champagne (out of a paper bag) watching people go by. Thinking about the book I might write someday. That is how I should be spending my birthday.
- Well, I am 38 and still no sign of my Grammy.
- I read something interesting today - just a one liner but it was "People should pry more." I think this is so true. Ask ask ask your friends family etc. how they are, what they are thinking about, what matters to them, how you can play a part. And listen to the answers. Get under the surface. If you don't, well then you are just skimming and relationships are not built on skimming.
- TAXES. What would our lives be like if there were a tax on emails?
- A couple of close friends forgot to call me today. So I sent them calendar invites to my birthday, recurring forever. I got a kick out of my old self.
- Do you remember what was important to you (i.e. what you worried about) ten years ago? I don't really. I guess that means everything turned out ok. That is a lesson for right now and ten years from now.
I spent a wonderful weekend with family, this evening with my husband and got a real "Happy Birthday, Mommy!" from Avery. It does not get any better. :-)
Happy birthday, Kylie! Loved the thoughts.
Posted by: Jon Callaghan | May 04, 2010 at 12:42 AM