it's been two weeks since my last post. I do not know where the time went.
yes I do. I spent two weeks in a conference room building a plan for one of my portfolio companies.
this will be a very random not well thought out post. but I don't want two weeks to go by with, well, no memory of them.
I was reminded in the past two weeks never to get in between two siblings in a fight.
I like to give credit where credit is due. I also like that my husband had ordered dinner for when I got home tonight after spending the day in Boston. I was in the mood for Thai and that is what we got.
for some reason this September does not feel like the fresh start it normally does. someone told me that as you approach the one year anniversary of a loved one's death (especially a parent's death) you can expect to feel "weird." feeling weird. check.
my daughter now has a mini stroller that if I would let her, she would take to bed. I purchased the stroller at Target after nearly erupting into a feminist fit of rage in the "girl toy" aisle that was filled with pepto-pink wrapped...IRONING BOARD toys. but she loves the stroller so we got it. I am not sure if she loved the ironing board I would get that. I have my chick-limits.
I am trying to draw something every day (for the record, I am not good at drawing. for the record, I don't care). I like creating something every day not just consuming.
I have seen a lot of evidence in the past few months of "you get what you need when you need it." Do you believe that?
one of our two cats just tried to escape from our house. she wandered out when the food delivery guy came to our door. we did not notice. she spent an hour in the hall. we just got her back. this was bad but was not as bad as when I accidentally closed her in the fridge a few years ago (to be clear, she climbed in when I was not looking and I closed the door w/out really looking. she was in there no more than two minutes. she was fine, she had food for god's sake. and WHY would anyone have to look for a CAT in the fridge???). in any event, cat found, crisis averted.
I talked to two friends tonight and I was reminded that I love talking to friends. we talked about mean men, matzoh balls and how to get your child back to sleep. we also asked each other how we are. and we meant it.
are you happy with your job? if you are, would you drop me a line? if you are not, drop me a line too. send me an email at [email protected]. I want to hear your story. I am working on something (VERY preliminary; not well thought out; basically in survey mode).
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