Pen or pencil? (pens; Pilot p-500, extra fine, black)
Bar Pitti or Da Silvano? (for sure, Bar Pitti)
Starbucks or Dunkin coffee? (Dunkin, or coffee cart)
Rain or snow? (snow)
Beach or lake? (wow.� don't know.� if I had to choose, forever and ever more, I suppose I would go beach)
IE or Firefox? (depends on if I am at home or work.� Work requires IE - don't laugh or scoff - and at home, generally Firefox, except when I need to access my work VPN)
Mercedes or BMW?� (stupid question. we drive a VW)
Christmas or Thanksgiving? (another toughy.� if I had to have only one, I would take...Christmas.� You can have the same meal, be surrounded by the same people, plus you get presents and you can sing carols.� I don't know of any Thanksgiving ditties).
Coffee or tea? (coffee.� tea is only good with scones, clotted cream, a glass of champagne and strawberries)
OK then, so caffeine or decaf? (oh please.)
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