I am playing with an idea. I think the advertising model needs to be turned on its head, or become more direct to me as a consumer. Can someone create a service that is like consumer lead generation? A service where I can create a profile saying what I am shopping for, my budget, my timing, and other preferences and then advertisers can come to me directly? Example, I was in the market for a stroller a while ago. I wanted something lightweight, easy to use and not too expensive. Rather than my having to go out and research strollers, can't I put these and other preferences into a profile and then manufacturers can come to me with relevant products? Perhaps this would be a un-implementable for advertisers/manufacturers. I don't know. Or perhaps I am just being lazy. But I feel like product researching processes are harder than they should be and with today's targeting technology, I should just be able to say what I want, and have that product presented to me.
I saw your comment on centernetworks about the ListensToYou NY Tech Meetup product demo. I am David - the one who gave the demo and co-founded ListensToYou.
We are still evolving with feedback and yours would be particularly helpful. I would love to hear your thoughts. If you get a chance, send me an email or give me a call - I will respect your time and willingness to give feedback by not asking for any more help than you are comfortable giving. I am guessing that is important, given your career.
Thanks for linking to your post - we like to see that this is an idea people want.
Best regards.
David Rostan
Co-Founder and President
david at listenstoyou dot com
Posted by: David Rostan | September 04, 2008 at 05:11 PM