There is trouble, my friends, TROUBLE today in NYC. The trouble, naturally, involves doughnuts. If I am honest with myself, much of the trouble I have gotten into in life has involved doughnuts. There were late night doughnuts in high school when I should have been home and not at Dunkin Donuts. Of course, there was college where no night was complete without a yummy glazed ring of deliciousness after hours of under-aged drinking. And then there were those two years in Boston where Dunkin is on every other corner, and, well, you have to support the locals. And finally, there was that one day a couple of years ago when a friend and I were driving down the coast of southern California, and after a stop at In & Out for burgers (animal style!), we swung by Krispy Kreme for doughnut chasers. Very very bad. This incident led to a 2 month new eating and health plan, and a bet involving a $500 pair of shoes. Doughnuts are bad for the waistline and the wallet. But oh so tasty.
Well friends, the trouble today surrounds the three dozen doughnuts that were brought into our office for a meeting. Three dozen doughnuts, 10 people. You do the math. I feel bad having donuts go to waste. This guilt, coupled with my newfound lack of self-control and coupled again with my unsatisfiable sweet tooth is causing the trouble.
The culprit, for reference, is The Doughnut Plant in NYC. These are quite possibly the best sweet doughy treats on the planet, and my new best friends (and worst enemy).
Alas, healthy eating will start tomorrow.
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