Wow, I've been tagged! My friend at Light-Skinned-ed Girl tagged me with a Thinking Blogger Award. I am flattered and really excited. And now it's my duty to tag five other blogs that make me many blogs, so little time!
First of all, let me say I would have tagged Light-Skinned-ed Girl had I known about this award - her perspective and view of the world are always enlightening to me. Do you ever think about your race? Does that really ever factor into how you feel day to day? Can you recall more times that a bad hair day has impacted your day than the color of your skin? If yes, then read her blog and open your mind. I read her stuff and am often saying "I had no idea."
So I need to choose five blogs that make me think...well, there are several but in no particular order, here are five that I find I go back to repeatedly:
37Days: This is a reality check blog. It's filled with inspiration and interesting thoughts. Start here to learn what it's all about.
Violent Acres: Fasten your seatbelt, folks, this blog will make you want to strangle the author, or yourself when you realize you secretly agree with some (or all) of what she writes. I doubt she is a person who cares about awards like Thinking Blogger, but she makes me think, so there we go.
Slow Leadership: I am into ideas of leadership, and this blog has lots of discussion around that topic...but it's about so much more. I find I bookmark posts from this blog all the time.
Ben Casnocha: Ben's blog is history in the making. He is young, extremely well accomplished, tireless and a thinker. Interestingly, for someone so accomplished already (high school superstar, has built businesses, regularly called upon by large media organizations to discuss his ideas) he is also multi-dimensional. So often you meet people of extreme success and they really only have one vertical in their lives where they have focused. This is not the case with Ben, and it's clear to me, he is one to watch.
The Mind Body Blog: I am into awareness and meditation, and the power of now. The author of this blog writes about these ideas and how he incorporates them into his life. When I read his blog, I am always brought back to the NOW as opposed to yesterday and tomorrow, neither of which mean anything without now.
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