I am all about trying to fill up my days with things that I like - rather than focusing on things that I don't like. Life is like an empty jar, and it's your own to fill.
So of course that leads to the question - well what are those good things?!? That is a really fun question to answer. I have a running list of things I like, but I reserve a special category for guilty pleasures. Here is the tip of the iceberg...
- Take a spoon. Dip it into a jar of peanut butter. Then dip it into a bag of chocolate chips. Eat.
- Waking up on a Saturday and turning over.
- Magazines. Lots and lots of magazines. Vogue, Elle, Lucky, Domino, Gourmet, Saveur, Cooks Illustrated, House Beautiful, Wallpaper. The list goes on and on.
- Chocolate covered orange peels.
- Thick baggy, totally unflattering flannel pajamas.
- Stinky cheese.
- Goose liver pate.
- High heels. They are kind of a regular guilty pleasure. I always feel bad for my feet when I wear them. Guilty.
- Saving up all of my shows on Tivo and watching HOURS of them in a row. In no particular order: Top Chef, Nigella's Feasts, 24, Grey's Anatomy, CBS Sunday Morning (ok not so guilty), Studio 60 (yes, it's good!), 30 Rock).
- Macaroni and Cheese.
- McDonald's french fries.
- My almost nightly after dinner snack. My husband calls it The Second Dinner. Without fail, I can almost always eat before heading to bed. It's like a nightcap.
- Taking a hot bath on a cold day with a glass of wine and a book to keep me company.
- Heavy cream.
I obviously have a thing for food. Good to know.
There are many many others. What are yours? Maybe www.43Things.com should have a site for guilty pleasures.
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