I like lists, and the New Year is a great time for lists. The obvious list of one of resolutions. So here, after a stream of consciousness, is my list of 2007 resolutions:
- Play more backgammon
- Do more crossword puzzles (good for the mind, and now that I am almost 40...well, 35...I need to work on the mind)
Talk to my cats less(forget that, I love my cats and if I am a freak for talking to them, so be it)- Work out more. Yeah yeah, but it has to be there. Maybe the right one is Run a Half Marathon
- Eat more food that comes from my own kitchen
- Read a new magazine every month (I picked up National Geographic the other day and was excited - what a cool publication.)
- Care more about what matters
- Focus more on a few things where I can go deep, rather than focusing on many and not doing any particularly well
- Be less of a crazed bitch ready to yell at an innocent tourist gaping stupidly at the billboards in Times Square, standing in my WAY as I JUST TRY TO GET MY COFFEE AND GO TO WORK!!!! Damn, failing already.
- Organize my pictures, and take more pictures! I love the idea of a visual archive of life.
- Take advantage of NYC's cultural offerings. It is sad and pathetic that in the past year the most intellectual thing I have done is go to the movies - and see blockbusters, at that. Why do I live here, if I am not taking advantage of what NYC has to offer?
- Eat more sweet potatoes and beets. Because they are good AND good for me!
- Less IMing
- Thank people
(this list is getting long but this is fun! I think I will keep going...)
- Smell the roses
- Review Russian vocabularly. I used to be pretty good. It's a crying shame I speak no languages other than English.
- Go back to Paris
- See and talk to friends more often
- Read at least three biographies...ideas, Martin Luther King, Jr.; Winston Churchill; Eleanor Roosevelt
- Go rock climbing, even if it's a man-built wall. I did this once in Utah and loved it.
- Less stuff that sucks. More stuff I love.
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