I was a nun once. Really, I wore a habit and everything.
In the school play that is. Yes, I was Sister Marghereta from The Sound of Music! How do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
I like that last line. But of course most of us know the favorite things diddy - These Are A Few of my Favorite THings (again, per prior post, note my imperfect spellings and just letting it go - letting the need to fix everything dribble off the keys! of course obsessing about it all the way by pointing it out to faithful readers like yourself. But I press on...)
The point is I find myself humming that song all the time. Truly. So I am starting a new list of favorite things (see lists on the sidebar to the left). I find thinking about favorite things is a fun exercise, and revealing in the general simplicity of the items themselves. Take note of a few to wet your appetite...
- a cold bottle of water on a hot day
- waking up and knowing you don't have to be out of bed for an hour
- hot coffee and real cream
- watching a sunset while enjoying a campari and soda
- getting caught up in a really good book
- knowing you have made someone happy
- kraft macaroni and cheese with a little more butter than the recipe recommends
What are your favorite things? Do you take note of them as you enjoy them, or do you only remember them afterwards?
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